Take out a term loan to get your business up to speed. Loans can cover a number of costs and can mean the difference between making it — or breaking it.

Talk to a Sunnyside business banker about finding the right payment plan to fit your particular business' needs.


  • Competitive interest rates on business loans to cover
    • New or upgraded equipment
    • Higher headcount
    • Training and development
    • Software and IT
    • And more
  • Flexible payment options
  • In-house processing for fast approvals
  • Attentive service here in the Westchester NY area
  • Equal Opportunity Lender

Stop in the Sunnyside Federal Irvington, NY bank branch in the Hudson Valley to apply.

7-Month CD Special

5.00 APY*

Interest Rate 4.88%
No Minimum Balance 

*Annual Percentage Yield

Request More Information

For more information, or to get started, contact us today. We would love to hear from you!

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